Oral Cancer Screenings in Westminster, CO

Oral Cancer Screening

Oral cancer is a silent killer responsible for thousands of deaths each year. Like any other cancer, early detection is crucial to effectively treating it. Among other dental services, Dental Associates of Westminster offers oral cancer screenings in Westminster to help you look for early signs of oral cancer.

What are the common signs of oral cancer?

While you can be on the lookout for signs of oral cancer, having an oral cancer screening done annually can significantly increase the likelihood of detecting any signs of oral cancer early on.

Common signs of oral cancers can include:

  • A visible and irregular lump.
  •  Swollen gums.
  •  Recurring ulcers.
  • Any irregularities in your mouth.

One of the most significant contributors to the development of oral cancers is unhealthy lifestyle habits like chronic smoking and regular drinking. While oral cancers can develop in anyone, these lifestyle habits coupled with certain genetic factors leave people in this category at a higher risk for developing oral cancers. Oral cancers are unpredictable and can occur at any age, making oral cancer screenings crucial in maintaining good health.

While your dentist may be able to spot a lump or growth during a routine dental checkup, oral cancer screening is a more thorough procedure that explicitly allows your dentist to look for signs of oral cancer. An oral cancer screening starts with a dental assessment where your dentist will look for any visible signs of lumps and irregularities. X-rays and digital photographs are also taken during an oral cancer screening, allowing for future reference and a more gradual outlook on your oral health. If your dentist does suspect that you have oral cancer, they will brief you on the treatment options available depending on the cancer stage.

Your oral health is our number one priority, don’t wait on it and get an oral cancer screening at our dental clinic today! Oral cancer can be effectively treated when detected early, yet it is one of the most common undiagnosed cancers. For more information on this procedure or to schedule your next dental appointment, call us at 303-862-7292.